
महर्षि पाणिनि संस्कृत एवं वैदिक विश्वविद्यालय

Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya

Formerly Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, A Public State University under Madhya Pradesh Act No. XV of 2008
Dewas Road, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh (India) – 456010


Best Practice

Best Practice 1 -Revolutionizing Traditional Indian Knowledge system

Title Revolutionizing Traditional Indian Knowledge system-click to view

  • Objectives of the Practice:
  • Dedication of People towards Sanskrit language
  • To conserve the knowledge contained within traditional knowledge system.
  • Synthesis of traditional and modern modes of learning
  • Encourage staff to follow use of Sanskrit in their personal lives.
  • Context:

संस्कृतं नाम दैवी वाक् To fulfill the aim contained in the motto the university works for Revolutionizing Traditional Indian Knowledge system .Sankrit is an ancient language .The traditional subjects such as Veda, Vyakarana, Purana, Sahitya, Darshan are all contained in this language. Modern subjects such as Astronomy, Medicine, Maths. etc have their roots in Sanskrit.

  • Practice:

The university has adopted   following  conventions for this practice

  • Dialogue with the scholars of Sanskrit Language: Various Sanskrit scholars are living in the city of Ujjain. Therefore for the development of Sanskrit language and university, the honorable Vice Chancellor himself meets the scholars of the city and discusses on issues related to the spread of language.
  • Sanskrit Shikshan Prashikshan Gyan Vigyan Samvardhan Kendra: The university has established Sanskrit Shikshan Prashikshan Gyan Vigyan Samvardhan Kendra which organizes a number of programs related to teaching and learning of English language. For example-evening school, Sanskrit camps, Sanskrit summer camps etc.
  • Learning through traditional Gurukul system: University follows traditional gurukul system of teaching and learning methodology. Some of the students go and study Nyayashastra in the tradional gurukul ashram of Dr. Sandeep Sharma.
  • Shastrarth Sabha- Shastrarth Sabha are organized to improve the knowledge and vocal skills of students.
  • Educational Tours-Students are taken to various places for educational tours. This enables them to have first hand information about a subject.
  • Competetions –Sanskrit competitions increase the knowledge and exposure of Sanskrit students..Students participate in national level competitions and win various prizes for the university.
  • Sanskrit Camps in adopted villages-The university organizes Sanskrit teaching camps in Premnagar and Manpur so that people living in these areas develop an affinity towards Sanskrit language.
  • Research Paper Publication –University has its research journal Paniniya in which research paper of students and teachers get published. Publication of research paper encourages the students to gain the knowledge of Sanskrit language.
  • Vagvardhini
  • Scholarship-It motivates the students to gain advance knowledge of the subject
  • Evidence of success:

The authenticity of success can be gauged through:

  • Sanskrit conversation flourishes amongst students and teachers working in the university.
  • Positive ecosystem for Sanskrit language learning and research is created.
  • Interest is created amongst students regarding Sanskrit language.
  • Staff members are learning to use basic Sanskrit language. One of the faculties of university staff namely Harshavardhan Parauha has taken a pledge to use Sanskrit language.


  • Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

It is easy to instruct but difficult to follow. Initially the university staff had difficulty in speaking and understanding Sanskrit language .But with the inspiration of the VC, organization of Sanskrit camps, workshops, conferences and bridge courses, this problem has reduced to a great level.


Best Practice 2-Clean Environment and   Healthy  life

 Title- Clean Environment and Healthy life -click to view


  • Objectives:
  • Creating awareness about yoga amongst people.
  • Complete diagnosis of various diseases through yoga therapy.
  • Students and citizens will lead a healthy life
  • Increase in green area will build up healthy environment.
  • Spiritualizing the society through yoga.
  • Helpful in curing diseases free of cost .
  • Context:

In today’s era every person is entangled in materialism and is forgetting how to develop his spirituality. Yoga is an excellent way of connecting with God and maintains one’s personal and spiritual calm. It helps us to get rid of many diseases. Clean and green environment provide a pleasant atmosphere. The university has a green campus which serves as a perfect place to begin one‘s daily healthy schedule through yoga.

  • Practice :

 In the present society, youth do not believe in healthy lifestyle and engage in unstructured practices which are suicidal. The university aims to provide a Clean Environment and Healthy life to all the students, teachers, staff members and even other people who live around the university .It has taken some steps to bring them back from such a life and into the Indian yoga life.  The university has also tried to create the right environment for that. The main ones are:

a. Free Yoga Training - The Yoga Department has started free yoga training for all. All those who wish to practice yoga can come there every day from seven o'clock in the morning. Free yoga camps are organized in the university in the morning time from 7:30-8:30.The yoga teachers are aware of their responsibility of maintaining the health of the entire society. Hence they have been practicing this activity daily . Since then time free yoga camp was actually started, that is 1 December 2022.

b. Yoga Camps - Yoga camps are organized by the Yoga Department on specific days. There, teachers and students of our university spread the fruits of yoga asanas to everyone through yoga demonstrations.

c. Tree plantation drives-The university plants trees on specific  days  to create a green environment. There are more than 1,000 herbs and shrubs on the university campus.

d. Plastic Free Environment -Plastic material is the enemy of the environment. To tackle that, the university has built a plastic-free campus.

e. Drug-Free Neighborhoods -Today’s youth are being led astray by drug use. Our campus has been made drug-free so that university students can stay away from such conduct.

f. Meditation Center: It is impossible to grasp knowledge with a distracted mind. The University has also set up a meditation center to enhance the mindfulness of the students.

g. Green Day -The University maintains Wednesday of every week as Green Day. On this day no vehicle is allowed to enter the campus. This is a small attempt by the university to tackle the problem of global warming.

hYajnashala is build for the performance of sacred rituals At the beginning of the academic session and on special occasions yajna like Soma Yajna Rudra Yajna, Ganesha Yajna, R udraksha Yajna, Bhairvachan Yajna etc are performed.

  • Evidence of success:

Every morning students come to do yoga. And they are healthy. Many people who came to the camp got rid of their regular lifestyle activities. The resources required for the camp was provided by the university. In this way the free yoga camp became a huge hit. A number of students came to the university to take admission in yoga courses too. The Green practice initiative  is gradually helping in making the campus pollution free.

  • Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

Good things do not start immediately. Explaining the benefits of     environment conservation is easy but making the people follow was a tedious task. They require much effort and time. Just like No Vehicle zone, initially the people of the neighborhood did not support the yoga camp also. They were of the opinion that it is a futile activity. Gradually as the people started coming to the camp they realized that it is very useful for their physical and mental growth.