
महर्षि पाणिनि संस्कृत एवं वैदिक विश्वविद्यालय

Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya

Formerly Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, A Public State University under Madhya Pradesh Act No. XV of 2008
Dewas Road, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh (India) – 456010

Department of Vishishta Sanskrit

About Department of Vishishta Sanskrit

The Sanskrit language is one of the oldest languages of human civilization. It is more perfect than the Greek, copious than Latin, and more exquisitely refined due to its wonderful structure. Sanskrit is considered to be a scientific language. It has been used for poetic and other literary works in all the periods of Indian history and is continued to be so even today VISHISHT SANSKRIT department teaches some selected texts of Sanskrit literature to students which are perfect examples of humanistic and artistic activities. Such kind of study inculcates good moral values in students and also rejuvenates our traditional Indian culture.

The VISHISHT SANSKRIT department of Maharshi Panini University was established in the year 11/05/2012. It aims to spread the traditional Indian Knowledge System contained in different Veda, Vedanga, Purana, Darshana, and Upanishad. The department runs various courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Students studying in the department learn about subjects such as Ved, Vidya, Upanishad, Purana, Darshan, Bhasha Vigyan, and other branches of Sanskrit literature. Many students have also completed their research degrees in our department. We aim to satisfy the educational needs of our students and make them more knowledgeable about their subject.


|| सा विद्या या विमुक्तये || (वि. पु. १/४१/१९)
(Translation- Education liberates all.)

Vision Statement

|| स्वाध्यायप्रवचनाभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम्|| (तैत्तिरीयोपनिषत् शिक्षावल्ली 11/1)


                                  || उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत|| (कठोपनिषत् 1/3/14)


  • To preserve Ancient Indian knowledge tradition with relevance.
  • To publish knowledge contained in manuscripts through research work.
  • To prepare students for creation of new literature in simple standard Sanskrit with in-depth study of ancient Sanskrit texts.
  • To encourage interdisciplinary study and research through in-depth analysis of various branches of Sanskrit literature.
  • To prepare Sanskrit students for administration and management in the modern field.