The Sanskrit language and literature are the basis of the social and cultural ethos of India. Literature forms the backbone of any social society. Rich Indian literature is mainly composed in the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit was the mother tongue in ancient India. There have been several popular writers such as Valmiki, Vedavyas, Bharat Muni, Kalidasa, Dandin, Banbhatt, Rajshekhar, Mammath and many others who have enriched the body of Sanskrit literature through their prolific writings.
Sanskrit Sahitya and Darshan department of Mahrshi Panini University comes under Veda, Vedanga and Sahitya faculty. The department was started in the year 17 July 2012. The sole purpose of its existence was to make the students aware of the various branches of Sanskrit literature, the philosophy contained within the texts and learn about the precious reservoir of traditional Indian Knowledge System contained in them. The department aims to educate the students and make them independent. We also wish to secure a respectable place for Sanskrit in the society.
Vision Statement
।। सरस्वती श्रुतिमहती महीयताम् ।। (अभिज्ञान शाकुङ्तलम् 07-35)
(The Sanskrit language, which conveys the profound knowledge and sciences described in the Vedas, deserves respect everywhere.)
।।क्षणे क्षणे यन्नवतामुपैति तदेव रूपं रमणीयतायाः।। (शिशुपालवधम् 4.17)
(In essence, continuous innovation is the hallmark of knowledge.)
।। पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्। सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरद् भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः।। (मालविकाग्निमित्रम् 1.2)
(It is incorrect to assume that an ancient poem is superior simply because of its age, or that it is forbidden for the same reason. Scholars determine whether a subject is superior or forbidden based on careful examination, while those who lack insight often accept ideas solely based on the opinions of others.)
Development of Ancient and Modern Literature.
Preservation of the knowledge contained in Sanskrit literature.
To create employment opportunities by co-ordinating ancient and Modern Sanskrit Education.
To make students self-reliant and a better citizen.
Editing and publishing manuscripts available in Sanskrit.
Working to encourage interdisciplinary research
Uniqueness of the Department
- To develop skills among students through Vagvardhini Sabha, seminars, workshops, group discussions etc.
- Organizing special classes for competitive exams like NET, SET & CTET.
- To make students sensitive towards society, nation and nature and To make responsible.
- Innovation in teaching and research.
- To become proficient in poetry writing.